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Welcome to the social revolution. Konvo puts you the user, in control of your social. Discover what your friends are talking about in real-time and filter through the noise to join the Konvo you want, when you want. It’s familiar but revolutionary. Your friends are already waiting inside so you won’t miss a thing - what are you waiting for? Join the Konvo.
• Create posts, share posts, add photos and videos and discover new connections
• Choose who you want to see content from, whether it’s your friends, people you follow or the wider global community
• See what people are talking about in real-time across your social feeds and channels with Konvo’s ‘TrueTrends®’. It’s unique to you and only you
• Integrate some of your favourite social feeds including Twitter, Tumblr and Flickr
• Add channels you’re interested in from a selection of entertainment, news, finance, tech, gaming, fashion, design, science, travel and more
• Share your posts across your social life including Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, Pinterest, Linkedin and Reddit